hey guys and girls haha long time no blog already =] lalala leme recap what happened so far in which i can remember =P ok so yes me, duncan, benny, joyce, valentino, etc are all looking forward to joyce's singles chalet.. LOL kinda sad eh ? but yeah haha..
soka... yea i recently started to give lessons to yiling marcus and joel and soon eunice a.k.a pinky and our good fren samantha lol ... apparently i feel i have alot of students means I GOT PACE , DIRECTION AND SKILL OKAY!!!! stupid chubbie and reuel =X anyways lala gary keeps making fun of me nowadays and saying what girl friend woot spenser teaching girls .. nonsense lol ... furthermore trying to steal my phone to get jon choy's dumb ringtones like spongebob square pants, rugrats, etc. u know u like it LOL.... muahaha.
anyways yeap .. i dunno if i have a sign on my head saying like hi give me ure excuses ... mean like wth man haha... i cant do this i cant do that ... i got this thing on i got that thing on ... oh my arumugammuthuparrapap man ... i mean like one time u say is good enuf ... no need keep saying it lol ... jeez man if u cant even handle a single thing that is tasked to u, shouldnt u be like freaking ashamed that even someone who is not as fit as you or younger than you or worser off than you can do exactly what you are complaining you are incapable of doing ?? SHAME ON YOU !!! Your literally disgrace yourself and your family name on the spot.
ok so i maybe a bit insensitive... but issues are really just so bimbotic.. and faggotish... i know im pmsing right now ... but if u feel offended .. then at least u know im talking about you .. to think that people nowadays just try to brush everything off as if its a joke just because they think everything can be laughed out of their way.. YOU GUYS NEED TO WAKE UP !!! The world isnt here to serve u or just put u as the centre of everything... people dont earn your respect ... you have to earn theirs. DEAL WITH IT .. preiod. If u cant, u are worse than the dogs that ravage the remains of the leftovers of humans .. you cannot even give yourself that little dignity of admitting YES I DID IT .. in lamen terms also known as balless ..
Excuses excuses are for the weak .. anyone who thinks they have issues .. please for the love of my turtle and other around you.. Please look around and notice that there are actually people just waiting there for you to turn to them and just share what u feel ... then again there are the others who would just try to make everyone's world miserable .. And before u know it .. all your friends who u could have had beautiful relationships with leave u and ure left with just another good for nothing useless excuse-filled faggot.
taught yiling to play some FUNDAMENTAL tennis as duncan claims it to be .. haha she is actually quite good for beginners can smash the ball back quite well and the stroke is quite good for the first lesson and all but still got more to learn ...
*reuel .. dun think too much
then brought marcus to go play against benny and duncan .. which i think was quite productive as duncan taught marcus like how to do some two handed backhand ... and really la marcus if ure reading this .. u need to decide whether its going to be one hand or 2 hand ... u cant train both at the same time yet.. haha
*reuel .. dun think too much
im not like major sunburn T_T ... serene told me that my arms the top part are too darn white ... so i went to play in the singlet which my mum bought for me at queensway haha *gleams* and boy was it a wrong choice man ... im like burning red now ... lol then serene was like shocked also haha.... the look on her face, priceless =P
plus lagi suay la... i went to church played wif marcus some stupid throw the ring into the hole game lol. Leonard heng came along then he was like ok if i dun get this im not going for dinner. BUT after many tries he still couldnt do it so he was like bah.. im going for dinner haha ... then saw paul wif his beanie, leonard kow wif his shunsui straw hat and joel/reagan wif their urahara hat. lol XD. Then my dearest charlene "girlfriend" came along .. and like just beat me at a bet which marcus set up then somehow i had to buy her char siew rice lol >.<" crap ..

this is my char siew rice girlfriend lol..
*people dun think too much*
then yeah .. crap la .. feel like freaking regretful i couldnt like do something i really wanted to do.. why ?! cause i had to go shopping wif my mummy >.<" sianded..
arrghh... darn it man charlene i really wanted to go ... =..[ and im like already sian that i just have nothing to do but play tennis ...
btw dear samantha also havent return from cambodia... i still need to complete the bet wif her somemore haha.. btw ... japheth u look very sad and depressed and buay song nowadays ... nvm i pray for u that ure test and exam and purupuru chapness all goes well =]...
went to macs just now wif nikki, valerie(chris u know i know =P), reagan, audie, and the rest that i couldnt really be bothered with... yea the auntie at the tau huay store didnt understand me and valerie the cheena so bo pian we paid extra .. but never mind .. we all know that im still shuai XD ... yeap .. haha then we just crap around and around and around and round and round lol... im obviously making no sense on that last few lines but hey .. its my blog lol =X weeee
yea man its starting to get like really late and i like have anime to watch, air cons to service for my dad and stuff to do tomorrow .. seriously boring lol.
tessa we have to play someday girl.. i just realised it cause people keep telling me to play with you lol... soon la har.. =P
OK nite ..
miss yall tc
my lord
my beloved
my arumugammuthuparrapaps
lastly you ..