haha back from camp which was quite refreshing .
Why do i say refreshing ? Its probably cause the 3 workshops done were like good and stuff. Firstly when i went to the camp i did so starting off going there as a vacation cause its like .. everyone kinda deserves a break and like so wishing to get outta sg and take a round trip around the world and see various stuff. oh well .
To my shock i was sentenced to the bus no.3 aka PA4959M. it was like i didnt know anyone there at all. except maybe charlene the char siew beng girl and vania. The rest were like a little weird. If anyone reading this, no offences man haha i just dont have that much to talk about wif u or im like already tried "Interacting" or something of that sort.
Anyways when i reached there the view from the lobby was like great. The rooms were awesome and like super big. Aprox of half a basketball court per room lol. My group members were preetttyyy good in some sense but due to my lack of sleep previous nights i was like rather SEHded and their words of wisdom/cheeminology couldnt get through to me haha at least some didnt. Bah no condemnation in christ jesus =]. Tell u all the LSS disease a.k.a lack of sleep syndrome really is freakkaayy... "The mind is willing but the body is weak". Thats what jesus said to his diciples just before he got taken by the pharissees. In some ways i feel as if i was a really good representation of that. Haiz but i really tried hard to not sleep. Anyways god is good all the time, he really answered by helping me stay awake lol. Crazy stuff.
As for camp food it was like totally weird haha .. so budget sia.. nasi lemak , nasi lemak , nasi lemak and more nasi lemak. Damn budget =s.
portion also mcham like primary skool portion sigh.
then again i should be contented with what i have =]. Then when night camp me selwyn chris jap and mark were like blasting iPods on the speakers that chris had brought. Mostly them i just like was too lazy to move around. Anyways haha overall it was fun although the activities were super weird. yes god is good, all the time.
haha just felt like saying tt im a bit high cause im super tired now so yup =]
worship in a way was alrite a bit too long. It was a bit too long to the point that i learnt how to sleep whilst standing. Nevertheless it was thanks to charlene david and the other dude on my right hand side that i didnt get like snapped by glenn napping during sermon. Really didnt mean to like doze off though =s. Such lolism actually taking place =0. But i think like really hats off to some other little girl from PL sec. She everything also sleep through. Magically awake only during lunch and dinner. crazy stuff , not much i can say though. Then on the last night we played some game which i thought for my whole life only played on TV/movies such as MIB etc. Twister.
Holy mama muthu curry . Its like THE super worst game to sabo ppl. Especially if u have ppl who would like to sabo u heh heh. Mostly me doing the saboing. Anyways haha ill upload the rest of the pics later.
Oh just one more thing . MY FRIGGIN HOTEL ROOM GOT BUSTED INTO BY SOME HOUSEKEEPING FELLA and he/she stole my money ==".
abit the wth . sigh never mind i forgive the fella though they took my 100 rm szp.
bah im too tired to type anymore ..
p.s. Go google Laminin images. Take a look at the shape of it. Really shows how god is the centre of our beings and taking care of us =]
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
guest entry
(this isnt spenser fyi)
okay so ive finished my exams like finally. you know how you look forward to something for what seems like your whole life but when you finally, finally get there it's like there isnt anything exhilarating about it anymore.
anyway ive been at home all day and ive sort of run out of things to do. which is why im in the process of painting my nails again hahaha. i hope youre studying hard. get that 4.0 okay (:
can i change this template please please please? the bad english is getting on my nerves. let me know, okay. and can you bring poke over on saturday? the turtle misses me i know he does (:
i shall write a longer entry another time okay (: <3 you
okay so ive finished my exams like finally. you know how you look forward to something for what seems like your whole life but when you finally, finally get there it's like there isnt anything exhilarating about it anymore.
anyway ive been at home all day and ive sort of run out of things to do. which is why im in the process of painting my nails again hahaha. i hope youre studying hard. get that 4.0 okay (:
can i change this template please please please? the bad english is getting on my nerves. let me know, okay. and can you bring poke over on saturday? the turtle misses me i know he does (:
i shall write a longer entry another time okay (: <3 you
Monday, October 22, 2007
wow its been ages since i wrote . anyways to start off, its been a real hectic week. Why cause probably my timetable although its v slack its like weird. As if im starting in a new class once again. back to year 1. this in a way is true to a certain extent cause im really wif a new class like more than half the time haha. but yups np pros and cons to it also haha.
so then the week passed my gosh i cant believe my spending habits are so terrible
still remember what my primary skool principal told me last time about habit
if its a bad habit and u try to get rid of it , ull end up wif
then if u try to control ureself to get rid of it,
of it will still linger around u, and no matter what ull still have
so try to have more good habits than bad ones haha.
really know what hes talkin bout now. anyways we went to celebrate caiyings bdae today. Not at a Ts house having a Tea Party drinking Tea with T.
Instead we went to sticky rice where the rice wasnt that sticky and the food was huge! when i say huge i mean huge. lol the damn chicken wing was stuffed and came up to the size of my stinking fist. SHIT! lol the otah was like a bit smaller but still frigging big lol haha..
anyways it was a good meal and quite acceptable pricing. But yea overall was quite funny hur hurhur the way everything turn out.
and i still havent passed pearlyn back for the money so ya please remind me or i might very happily forget about it heh heh *smirks*
yups tomorrow have skool lololol in the afternoon to 930 still deciding now whether to go makan wanton mee anot oh wells.
ciau spenser
so then the week passed my gosh i cant believe my spending habits are so terrible
still remember what my primary skool principal told me last time about habit
if its a bad habit and u try to get rid of it , ull end up wif
then if u try to control ureself to get rid of it,
of it will still linger around u, and no matter what ull still have
so try to have more good habits than bad ones haha.
really know what hes talkin bout now. anyways we went to celebrate caiyings bdae today. Not at a Ts house having a Tea Party drinking Tea with T.
Instead we went to sticky rice where the rice wasnt that sticky and the food was huge! when i say huge i mean huge. lol the damn chicken wing was stuffed and came up to the size of my stinking fist. SHIT! lol the otah was like a bit smaller but still frigging big lol haha..
anyways it was a good meal and quite acceptable pricing. But yea overall was quite funny hur hurhur the way everything turn out.
and i still havent passed pearlyn back for the money so ya please remind me or i might very happily forget about it heh heh *smirks*
yups tomorrow have skool lololol in the afternoon to 930 still deciding now whether to go makan wanton mee anot oh wells.
ciau spenser
Sunday, August 26, 2007
hi hi haha dun say i never post ok yall ... see i change my skin for all to see. Anyways the last few months have been stressful if u wanted to know. Yes i do get stressed haha. Projects killing ppl all the time, sometimes its just better to like go jc at least there you have a definite answer in the books. Not like stupid teachers keep asking you for things that you dont know if there is or isnt an answer to anyways.
Well the people around me have been such a great help, regardless whether u know it or not. And in a few hours, im going to be taking another major paper called BIS my gosh if i dun make it im out literally and its police for me lol. Ya but haiya i think i studied enuf for it already, should be able ba.
anyways to all the fans =0 (bob frank peter mary susan margret pokejr) haha bren should know we will be able to go out soon =D as one big happy family lol. While i watch all the jc PPL SUFFER MUAHAHAHHA A LVLS, PROMOS yadeh yadeh yadeh lol. eeerrppzzz ure one of them too but no matter.
ya anyways i have nothing much left to say basically talking crap here. haha ciau
Well the people around me have been such a great help, regardless whether u know it or not. And in a few hours, im going to be taking another major paper called BIS my gosh if i dun make it im out literally and its police for me lol. Ya but haiya i think i studied enuf for it already, should be able ba.
anyways to all the fans =0 (bob frank peter mary susan margret pokejr) haha bren should know we will be able to go out soon =D as one big happy family lol. While i watch all the jc PPL SUFFER MUAHAHAHHA A LVLS, PROMOS yadeh yadeh yadeh lol. eeerrppzzz ure one of them too but no matter.
ya anyways i have nothing much left to say basically talking crap here. haha ciau
Friday, July 06, 2007
facing ure giants
hey yallz =D havent been blogging much so i decided to blog keke...
ya tt saturday the show facing the giants or facing ure giants or whatever blah title isnt important its the content =]. But waa really man when i first heard its a inspirational show i was like haiz not another one lol. But once i watched it i was like woah .... i wanna watch it again =].
For those who watched it, ya confirm will agree with me. For those who havent ... uh ....
anyways yes its basically as what the title says la , "Facing ure giants". When i say giants, i do not mean literally giants. yes. Sometimes in life when people say things that put u down and the various obstacles in life that knock u down , u just gotta not give up and like perservere like brock in the show. The coach blindfolded him and asked him to do the "deathcrawl" from start to the 50 yard zone. When i heard it i was like wtf?! Is that even possible ? but haha then again ... the yankees... lol americans typical str trainers. Anyways besides the point. The guy did it on pure faith in his coach. Of course at first he started off with a little reluctance. Time and time throughout the field he wanted to give up and kept thinking to himself tt he was going to die. But time and time again the coach was always there to give him morale support and just push him until alas, he reached the end of the football field (100 yards) wtf?!
When he finally realised he was super shag but although i did not experience it myself im damn sure that the feeling he felt was depicted in his head as this " SONG BO !!!!!?! "
haha i saw i was super inspired lor . Started asking myself how many times in life have i given up be it on friends, work, daily necessities and blah blah blah. How many times have i not given my best ? How many times have i just been like his frens who just all talk and are too afraid to try. How many times have i sinned against god by not giving him my best. By giving him lesser than what was expected from me. i think i abit repetition but never mind . The point is OMGOSH... i was like super guilty tt day. yups. to be honest ive been running on dry for the past few months just wasting my life away. Trying ways and means to pon class and what weiliang said on his msn . MCs cost $20 more on the last day of a long holiday. But now i realised that after watching this show, ive not been facing my giants at all, even though i seem like it.
what a coward u are spenser....
I figured that since im stuck in this place in this course in this situation in this group, Make the most out of it. God put me here for a purpose, and im going to have faith that he has a plan for me and that he will not leave me marooned on a island or a place with no way out. God works in mysterious ways. I truly want to be like brock.
Praise god when u win.
Praise god when u lose.
dont let people call u a loser or put u down. Cuz ure not. Act like a winner dont be like david and kick the ball knowing that he was going to miss.
Do Your best , and God will do the rest.
i think ive said enough for now liao. yups ciau guys =D
ya tt saturday the show facing the giants or facing ure giants or whatever blah title isnt important its the content =]. But waa really man when i first heard its a inspirational show i was like haiz not another one lol. But once i watched it i was like woah .... i wanna watch it again =].
For those who watched it, ya confirm will agree with me. For those who havent ... uh ....
anyways yes its basically as what the title says la , "Facing ure giants". When i say giants, i do not mean literally giants. yes. Sometimes in life when people say things that put u down and the various obstacles in life that knock u down , u just gotta not give up and like perservere like brock in the show. The coach blindfolded him and asked him to do the "deathcrawl" from start to the 50 yard zone. When i heard it i was like wtf?! Is that even possible ? but haha then again ... the yankees... lol americans typical str trainers. Anyways besides the point. The guy did it on pure faith in his coach. Of course at first he started off with a little reluctance. Time and time throughout the field he wanted to give up and kept thinking to himself tt he was going to die. But time and time again the coach was always there to give him morale support and just push him until alas, he reached the end of the football field (100 yards) wtf?!
When he finally realised he was super shag but although i did not experience it myself im damn sure that the feeling he felt was depicted in his head as this " SONG BO !!!!!?! "
haha i saw i was super inspired lor . Started asking myself how many times in life have i given up be it on friends, work, daily necessities and blah blah blah. How many times have i not given my best ? How many times have i just been like his frens who just all talk and are too afraid to try. How many times have i sinned against god by not giving him my best. By giving him lesser than what was expected from me. i think i abit repetition but never mind . The point is OMGOSH... i was like super guilty tt day. yups. to be honest ive been running on dry for the past few months just wasting my life away. Trying ways and means to pon class and what weiliang said on his msn . MCs cost $20 more on the last day of a long holiday. But now i realised that after watching this show, ive not been facing my giants at all, even though i seem like it.
what a coward u are spenser....
I figured that since im stuck in this place in this course in this situation in this group, Make the most out of it. God put me here for a purpose, and im going to have faith that he has a plan for me and that he will not leave me marooned on a island or a place with no way out. God works in mysterious ways. I truly want to be like brock.
Praise god when u win.
Praise god when u lose.
dont let people call u a loser or put u down. Cuz ure not. Act like a winner dont be like david and kick the ball knowing that he was going to miss.
Do Your best , and God will do the rest.
i think ive said enough for now liao. yups ciau guys =D
Monday, June 18, 2007
study week
pretty interesting and shocking eh? a slacker actually studying ? haha this week after the pko weekend dash which i did not really complete hmmm ... and by popular request haha i shall update. lol probably like havent updated in like months or so .. anyways ya im finish up on the networking document but now only to start on the networking powerpoint ... ahhhh irritating stilll have marketing to study for =\
i so need to chiong up on my studies le rawr...
ok la anyways yesterday i went out wif reagan for lunch but before that we were like being enslaved by a evil smelly feet and ya jia lat reagan teach for free one lol free labour =\ anyways sidetrack this wed we are going swimming =D lol i sound so geeky now but then again should i go ? hmmm i need the time to study and i also dun want to pangseh my side of frens .. aiya
kia la kia la in the end ill just be thinking of it and not studying so might as well la ya =x
dun anyone lecture me =X im justifying it to myself to make me feel less guilty boo yah!
i so need to chiong up on my studies le rawr...
ok la anyways yesterday i went out wif reagan for lunch but before that we were like being enslaved by a evil smelly feet and ya jia lat reagan teach for free one lol free labour =\ anyways sidetrack this wed we are going swimming =D lol i sound so geeky now but then again should i go ? hmmm i need the time to study and i also dun want to pangseh my side of frens .. aiya
kia la kia la in the end ill just be thinking of it and not studying so might as well la ya =x
dun anyone lecture me =X im justifying it to myself to make me feel less guilty boo yah!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
we can do it
hey guys haha ok my blogger is like screwed man ... weird shit .. nvm this post will be dedicated to the various members of my team. No one more No one excluded, and the content will not be directed to anyone of you.
Today after various recent events and with Joezer being elected as acting Captain to our team, there as usual like all other chomp chomp outings, is a meeting over pudding. Anyways, back to the subject, the topic covered upon was to be open within our team and more or less to accept the various tips and strategies and implement them to serve us better. No one wants to be left behind while the whole team improves. Yes. Backing up on Joezer's point that we all really need to come down to training and train seriously.
In further backing up statements, we have all taken an oath over the chee kuay wrappings that we shall not do any of the following :
-call names
-skip rounds
-be negative and oblivious to everyone's comments
-be defensive to constructive critisism
-be flirtatious during training
-give wild and spontaeneous reasons to get out of training early
-try to be funny wif kamari
-purpousely NOT run for the ball
-not be serious during training
anyways i cant think of anymore really la. Furthermore to try and ease Joezer's load, guys please tell ure uncle auntie father mother sister brother that this wed dun come too early. give like 15 mins later than usual. There is a meeting. Compulsory especially for the new comers. Reuel you too haha. But really must come.
Spenser ciau
Today after various recent events and with Joezer being elected as acting Captain to our team, there as usual like all other chomp chomp outings, is a meeting over pudding. Anyways, back to the subject, the topic covered upon was to be open within our team and more or less to accept the various tips and strategies and implement them to serve us better. No one wants to be left behind while the whole team improves. Yes. Backing up on Joezer's point that we all really need to come down to training and train seriously.
In further backing up statements, we have all taken an oath over the chee kuay wrappings that we shall not do any of the following :
-call names
-skip rounds
-be negative and oblivious to everyone's comments
-be defensive to constructive critisism
-be flirtatious during training
-give wild and spontaeneous reasons to get out of training early
-try to be funny wif kamari
-purpousely NOT run for the ball
-not be serious during training
anyways i cant think of anymore really la. Furthermore to try and ease Joezer's load, guys please tell ure uncle auntie father mother sister brother that this wed dun come too early. give like 15 mins later than usual. There is a meeting. Compulsory especially for the new comers. Reuel you too haha. But really must come.
Spenser ciau
Thursday, May 03, 2007
hey yall as some of u might have read yup there is a match coming up between me and brens cousin =\ RJ team sia... nvm try try lol.. haha omg im gonna get pwned xD super stressed =x dadeedum... date and timings still to be confirmed ....
venue either at yio chu kang courts, nyp courts, or rjc courts(which i really dun wanna go to) lol. Eitherways la must really train up to beat him hahaha ok back to my tutorial now.
later pplz
spenser =]
venue either at yio chu kang courts, nyp courts, or rjc courts(which i really dun wanna go to) lol. Eitherways la must really train up to beat him hahaha ok back to my tutorial now.
later pplz
spenser =]
Sunday, April 22, 2007
just do it !
yups my newest blog entry for like dunno how long la so yup. Ok so the point being is tt for like monday wed and fri which is screwed up im going to be staying in skool to 930 or later all the time. period. Pissifying but ya just do it.
I dont know what ppl see me as but hell im not someone who u can whine to. If u need whining assistance please seek ure boyfriend or girlfriend or personal mentor yes. Now that we have passed that point yup. Here goes =].
that does not apply to u brenda =] ill listen to u lol...
yes back to the point ZOMG!! CLASSES ARE SUPER LONG!!! crap .... anyways trainings got more fun la. But still im like super stumped on how to do this project mr uh whats his name gave us again for IT2766 yup. Incorporation of everything all the modules. Oh damn so screwed. RAD is fun cause i get to play wif vb and play wif shit lol damn nice. Marketing is like woooo my teacher tells cold jokes and expects me to laugh at it. she in some ways reminds me a BIIIIIITTTT of zhen yan la lol. but ya no offense =X anyways haha database management is sounds super hard. Only module i worried for. Networking and COS i dun really worry tt much. yes i am gonna do a double diploma so no u cant have my spot in the team XD thanks to joe lol.
mondays tennis team trials !!! some phelem guy sound like pholem is going to participate yes. Another kamari fren lol. yup and really la ... u all i dunno if u do but cant blame me for the iplay screw up cause i very clearly stated that i was a bad captain already and i was quite busy plus im bai kar so i cannot run for u guys and i cannot organise the run for u all . Paiseh charlene if u are reading this then hmm sorry cause i really got no time liao. Hell i dun even have tt much time to go out nowadays wif brenda la . I think i should rent a hostel in skool so that i can like once finish studying go sleep there lol =X but probably costs a bomb. So what will happen is this haha ill go find some bush or bench and follow the other bangla go sleep there lol till next morning XD.... muahaha alrite la now need to read up more stuff for my project shit.....
I dont know what ppl see me as but hell im not someone who u can whine to. If u need whining assistance please seek ure boyfriend or girlfriend or personal mentor yes. Now that we have passed that point yup. Here goes =].
that does not apply to u brenda =] ill listen to u lol...
yes back to the point ZOMG!! CLASSES ARE SUPER LONG!!! crap .... anyways trainings got more fun la. But still im like super stumped on how to do this project mr uh whats his name gave us again for IT2766 yup. Incorporation of everything all the modules. Oh damn so screwed. RAD is fun cause i get to play wif vb and play wif shit lol damn nice. Marketing is like woooo my teacher tells cold jokes and expects me to laugh at it. she in some ways reminds me a BIIIIIITTTT of zhen yan la lol. but ya no offense =X anyways haha database management is sounds super hard. Only module i worried for. Networking and COS i dun really worry tt much. yes i am gonna do a double diploma so no u cant have my spot in the team XD thanks to joe lol.
mondays tennis team trials !!! some phelem guy sound like pholem is going to participate yes. Another kamari fren lol. yup and really la ... u all i dunno if u do but cant blame me for the iplay screw up cause i very clearly stated that i was a bad captain already and i was quite busy plus im bai kar so i cannot run for u guys and i cannot organise the run for u all . Paiseh charlene if u are reading this then hmm sorry cause i really got no time liao. Hell i dun even have tt much time to go out nowadays wif brenda la . I think i should rent a hostel in skool so that i can like once finish studying go sleep there lol =X but probably costs a bomb. So what will happen is this haha ill go find some bush or bench and follow the other bangla go sleep there lol till next morning XD.... muahaha alrite la now need to read up more stuff for my project shit.....
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Opposite theory
ok here is the weird thing i just realised. Hmmm wonder if it works for the rest of u all but well yup. I realised tt what sometimes one might say about something sometimes might just turn out the opposite. Like hmmm when sometimes we go around saying ill do the dishes later , but in the end never do. Ill pwn u at dota but in the end , end up getting pwned. Ill get into this prestigious school but never get inside. Murphy's law wadeva can go wrong will go wrong. At least its just for me.
Therefore to put this theory i had lol, i tested something out. I voted my modules for electives in the opposite order of how i wanted them. Appreciation of life sciences, Business Mandrin, introduction to entreprenurship, introduction to marketing. And i got Marketing LOL... Not just tt i just told my other friend in PKO(pirate king online) that we will never get the item we always wanted. Low and behold while we were expecting one other item poof! We got what we wanted by expecting the exact opposite. Hmmm i think ar... i shall uh uh uh keep thinking opposite now lol... it seems so much easier now tt i realised im jughead2 XD
ladidadida... of course that still doesent mean tt i dun love u when i say i do la haha .. =]
rawr spenser here chau =p
Therefore to put this theory i had lol, i tested something out. I voted my modules for electives in the opposite order of how i wanted them. Appreciation of life sciences, Business Mandrin, introduction to entreprenurship, introduction to marketing. And i got Marketing LOL... Not just tt i just told my other friend in PKO(pirate king online) that we will never get the item we always wanted. Low and behold while we were expecting one other item poof! We got what we wanted by expecting the exact opposite. Hmmm i think ar... i shall uh uh uh keep thinking opposite now lol... it seems so much easier now tt i realised im jughead2 XD
ladidadida... of course that still doesent mean tt i dun love u when i say i do la haha .. =]
rawr spenser here chau =p
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
laugh laugh laugh
hello all my fellow fans =].. haha ya so now wif the remaining 10 mins of my ahem life xD im going to uh dunno stone ? ya. ok la not not that im going to die or anything. Just tt some polys are going to reply my application for DAE. ladidadida. My my my. Bren is having her common test while im just uh in her room chilling haha .. actually to be honest id rather be taking a common test or somewhere off studying than just slacking =\ Guess tt goes wifout saying when u have been bumming at hme for like 138473242532850520 years lol.
Gotta have faith.
Gotta have faith..
Gotta have faith...
Gotta have faith....
well yea gotta have faith that uh god knows what he is doing to us regardless of what the thingy is. That goes wifout speaking for me =\. So much shit in this short span of time. yeap no doubt there were some sweet moments tt made it all gd but the shit kinda outweighs the good rite now. brrr haha.
yea arumugammuthuparrapap this feeling now of uh excitement and being hopelessly cast into uh some old fart's hands in one of the polytechnic's are quite irritating
why o why o why lol
yikes ! 1:55pm now 5 more mins haha... make that 4 aiya i go toilet first cya all later
chau !
Gotta have faith.
Gotta have faith..
Gotta have faith...
Gotta have faith....
well yea gotta have faith that uh god knows what he is doing to us regardless of what the thingy is. That goes wifout speaking for me =\. So much shit in this short span of time. yeap no doubt there were some sweet moments tt made it all gd but the shit kinda outweighs the good rite now. brrr haha.
yea arumugammuthuparrapap this feeling now of uh excitement and being hopelessly cast into uh some old fart's hands in one of the polytechnic's are quite irritating
why o why o why lol
yikes ! 1:55pm now 5 more mins haha... make that 4 aiya i go toilet first cya all later
chau !
Saturday, March 17, 2007
looking for heroes episodes
hey ppl out there ... anyone got heroes episode ?? 18 onwards .... meaning like after 18 haha cause i got 18 liao but i really wanna watch it xD... oh and huhoo yups interesting week and week to come. Super disappointed i didnt get my tp application wif the 14 points -.-" anyways ... still got others ladidadida... oh and one more thing .. happy bdae sharon, mingxiu, me, poke. =D
*ITS A HINT !!!!!*
*ITS A HINT !!!!!*
Friday, March 02, 2007
haha today we had cell and we were like uh had 2 new "guys" lol no la no la it was bird and winnie but oh wells can la sama sama. Jeremy was actually earlier than me mark and jap lol.. and as usual cell series was covering the chapter of YOU THE LEADER haha since we 3 are cell leaders or rather jap the captain xD me the vice and mark the secetary or also known as the kharkia xD. *hint* what do secetaries wear ?? LOL get him that for his birthday.
lalalalala after which we had supper =p den on e way there it was quite funny and at e same time a bit uninteresting liao cause ar dunno why like um hmmmmm ... dry ?? oh wells. as u all can see i uploaded a video which is about battlefield2 created by some cool ppl wif really good com skills lol...
enjoy ...
hope u liked it . =D
chau spenser out ! xD
lalalalala after which we had supper =p den on e way there it was quite funny and at e same time a bit uninteresting liao cause ar dunno why like um hmmmmm ... dry ?? oh wells. as u all can see i uploaded a video which is about battlefield2 created by some cool ppl wif really good com skills lol...
enjoy ...
hope u liked it . =D
chau spenser out ! xD
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
happy cny
hey peeps ... how was cny for u guys ... im guessing good rite ? collecting all those ang paus lol... This year cny so sianzipua my parents overseas and i only managing to collect so little money but nvm, when they get back which is in like a few more mins then we'd have our celebrations on like uh ..? this sat ? lol which maybe means i wont be going to church which will probably mean that im collecting more ang paus but oh well u win some u lose some. haha
Ya this cny is the best cny of all man haha why ? hmmm because of the upcoming cmaths paper and BIT paper? nonono i couldnt really be bothered about that especially the BIT. Cmath at least like huhooo i can uh know but BIT totally different story .. haha anyways. moving along ya. I tell u next CNY i shall put a box in my house with it labelled "all of the angpaus for spenser put here!" tell u ar my relatives some are so stingy haiz only give 4 bucks and here we are giving their kids 10 lol ... but never mind la like my sis says its the thought that counts. But lol i beg to differ XD
regarding the vday post lol i was really zonked about what to blog and stuff haha ... so i asked bren to blog for me lalala.... and ya i got her a tatty teddy u know the weird patched up teddy from kalms haha which wrote there love u loads. Then her mum was like "who love u loads?" really hilarious haha ...
anyways in other news japp is hoping i get into TP so he can bully me as a freshie LOL !! HMMPH i shall withdraw !! lol XD
den den ar went to brenda's hse yesterday which is like oooo lala nice. Except for the fact that like one part of the whole room is pink la. Really the wth man lol... huhoo i got to see my turtle finally ! after like dunno how long la haha. Spent the day doing maths watching tv watching bleach and stuff etc. then later on we like went to the uh hawker centres around cause i got like hungry which is like not really news haha cause basically im always hungry but on the off season that u catch me not hungry ... whao go buy 4D or toto or something haha sure strike one xD... god knows how much my tummy can hold. My sis says im like a fridge xD just open up and shove all the food in and done lol. Others say im like a bottomless pit haha which i m starting to agree cause my wallet is feeling the MMHPH . ya anyways, nothing really much to eat yesterday cause all the shops were closed except this malay stall that didnt sell anything malay but nasi ayam which is like the worst chicken rice ever. But ya beggers cant be choosers see haha. So yea walked to cheers in hope that they would have packet food but WALAU ... dun have la. so nvm tahan all the way till dinner time at brenda's hse which is kinda funny cause to all the ACSbr guys here. OMG LAU IS HER COUSIN!! WTH?!?!?! lol ... very shocking haha. but yea quite funny the way they were debating over kopi-si and kopi-o and starbucks haha but u wouldnt really wanna know lol.
oh and btw lookie all i got a bear bear for valentine's day =D

this is what is written behind the bear bear

yes moving along im supposed to be supportive to brenda in her attempt to not comin online and studying more haha im sure xD... but jia you !! =P
Then ar today i went to sara's hse for um uh cant really remember the reason oh yes to bai nian which i was so utterly dumbfounded when i realised that my hse was severely lacking of oranges... omg lol. Then when i went there we watched like over the hedge quite funny haha. james and i were like using the weird fierce fierce fierce ... really drove them to the point where they wanted to like lock up in the room and have a fierce convo and like just see who can say fierce the most number of times xD... fierce la !
then i finally satisfied my craving of mee rebus woooo... and oh quite funny cause the BASH.inc was like DE-Oiling their pratas which was like freaking hilarious.. Hannah would like uh deoil one side then later like flip it over and realise that there is oil on the plate and try to comfort herself saying at least i got some oil out or something like that. Anyways Avonne smile is damn scary just for the record .. walau really dunno what is going up in her head lol ... cfm not something very good for hp haha...
yea then i just realised in the cab that i have just had the best cny ever la regardless of the fact that i collected very little ang paus this year =| but wth lol ... i love this cny =D and u know why =p
jarrell if ure reading this post man take care ok .
bird haha i dunno la if i going this sat the party =|
ppl who invited me over =] Thanks ya =D
2 more days to exam ... -.-" but it doesent matter really haha.
anyways For all u avid readers =D HAPPY CNY from me and poke =p
Ya this cny is the best cny of all man haha why ? hmmm because of the upcoming cmaths paper and BIT paper? nonono i couldnt really be bothered about that especially the BIT. Cmath at least like huhooo i can uh know but BIT totally different story .. haha anyways. moving along ya. I tell u next CNY i shall put a box in my house with it labelled "all of the angpaus for spenser put here!" tell u ar my relatives some are so stingy haiz only give 4 bucks and here we are giving their kids 10 lol ... but never mind la like my sis says its the thought that counts. But lol i beg to differ XD
regarding the vday post lol i was really zonked about what to blog and stuff haha ... so i asked bren to blog for me lalala.... and ya i got her a tatty teddy u know the weird patched up teddy from kalms haha which wrote there love u loads. Then her mum was like "who love u loads?" really hilarious haha ...
anyways in other news japp is hoping i get into TP so he can bully me as a freshie LOL !! HMMPH i shall withdraw !! lol XD
den den ar went to brenda's hse yesterday which is like oooo lala nice. Except for the fact that like one part of the whole room is pink la. Really the wth man lol... huhoo i got to see my turtle finally ! after like dunno how long la haha. Spent the day doing maths watching tv watching bleach and stuff etc. then later on we like went to the uh hawker centres around cause i got like hungry which is like not really news haha cause basically im always hungry but on the off season that u catch me not hungry ... whao go buy 4D or toto or something haha sure strike one xD... god knows how much my tummy can hold. My sis says im like a fridge xD just open up and shove all the food in and done lol. Others say im like a bottomless pit haha which i m starting to agree cause my wallet is feeling the MMHPH . ya anyways, nothing really much to eat yesterday cause all the shops were closed except this malay stall that didnt sell anything malay but nasi ayam which is like the worst chicken rice ever. But ya beggers cant be choosers see haha. So yea walked to cheers in hope that they would have packet food but WALAU ... dun have la. so nvm tahan all the way till dinner time at brenda's hse which is kinda funny cause to all the ACSbr guys here. OMG LAU IS HER COUSIN!! WTH?!?!?! lol ... very shocking haha. but yea quite funny the way they were debating over kopi-si and kopi-o and starbucks haha but u wouldnt really wanna know lol.
oh and btw lookie all i got a bear bear for valentine's day =D
this is what is written behind the bear bear
yes moving along im supposed to be supportive to brenda in her attempt to not comin online and studying more haha im sure xD... but jia you !! =P
Then ar today i went to sara's hse for um uh cant really remember the reason oh yes to bai nian which i was so utterly dumbfounded when i realised that my hse was severely lacking of oranges... omg lol. Then when i went there we watched like over the hedge quite funny haha. james and i were like using the weird fierce fierce fierce ... really drove them to the point where they wanted to like lock up in the room and have a fierce convo and like just see who can say fierce the most number of times xD... fierce la !
then i finally satisfied my craving of mee rebus woooo... and oh quite funny cause the BASH.inc was like DE-Oiling their pratas which was like freaking hilarious.. Hannah would like uh deoil one side then later like flip it over and realise that there is oil on the plate and try to comfort herself saying at least i got some oil out or something like that. Anyways Avonne smile is damn scary just for the record .. walau really dunno what is going up in her head lol ... cfm not something very good for hp haha...
yea then i just realised in the cab that i have just had the best cny ever la regardless of the fact that i collected very little ang paus this year =| but wth lol ... i love this cny =D and u know why =p
jarrell if ure reading this post man take care ok .
bird haha i dunno la if i going this sat the party =|
ppl who invited me over =] Thanks ya =D
2 more days to exam ... -.-" but it doesent matter really haha.
anyways For all u avid readers =D HAPPY CNY from me and poke =p
Thursday, February 15, 2007
happy vday
hello (:
haha happy belated valentine's day yall. im blogging on behalf of spenser because he's lazy. um yeah if you would rather read his version of events though maybe you should bug him about it.
so yesterday i met spenser after school and we headed to town. or at least we intended to, but then the other train came first so we went to woodlands. and then took a cab to rp so he could go hand in his forms or something. rp is crazy huge it looks like an airport. or maybe a convention centre. either way there are miles and miles of empty corridor space which really isnt a good thing when you have a really painful blister on the back of your heel, like i did. but then i got a box of plasters so all was well.
then we cabbed to town which was a huge mistake because it cost a lot. and i really mean a lot. still i guess it was worth it.
lunch at sakae. was okay i guess, its always fun to watch sushi coming by on the conveyor belt. and i love salmon sashimi. ramen doesnt taste all that great though sorry spenser.
so we walked to lido and caught ghostrider. funny how it never occurred to me the guy was nicholas cage. but anyway, the movie is basically about this guy called johnny blaze who sells his soul to the devil (whose name is metastophilis and happens to be a character in my lit book x_x) to heal his dad but the devil cheats his feelings totally and the poor guy ends up being under some curse i think. so, feeling really sad, he kind of alienates himself by dumping the only girl who ever really loved him, and spends the next few decades cheating death by doing really unimaginable (and unbelievable) bike stunts. and there are all these side characters who represent different elements and they have really evil powers and they go around murdering innocent civilians in completely gruesome ways. yeah, i think the rest of the show is pretty much obvious.
and i wouldnt really recommend it unless you like superhero comic book stuff and you enjoy gross f/x stuff and you somehow like seeing people with their faces on fire.
and one more tip, if you would like a really value for money drink when you're in town go to the lido snackbar and buy the large (i think) pepsi. it will come in a HUGE cup that your hand cannot even fit around (esp if you have tiny hands like me) and it wont fit into the cupholder on the arm rest and best of all it only costs $2.50. serves about ten people, give or take.
i was kidding about the last part, by the way.
if you want to know what i got spenser for vday, wait for him to update. i think ive said enough for one entry. haha (:
haha happy belated valentine's day yall. im blogging on behalf of spenser because he's lazy. um yeah if you would rather read his version of events though maybe you should bug him about it.
so yesterday i met spenser after school and we headed to town. or at least we intended to, but then the other train came first so we went to woodlands. and then took a cab to rp so he could go hand in his forms or something. rp is crazy huge it looks like an airport. or maybe a convention centre. either way there are miles and miles of empty corridor space which really isnt a good thing when you have a really painful blister on the back of your heel, like i did. but then i got a box of plasters so all was well.
then we cabbed to town which was a huge mistake because it cost a lot. and i really mean a lot. still i guess it was worth it.
lunch at sakae. was okay i guess, its always fun to watch sushi coming by on the conveyor belt. and i love salmon sashimi. ramen doesnt taste all that great though sorry spenser.
so we walked to lido and caught ghostrider. funny how it never occurred to me the guy was nicholas cage. but anyway, the movie is basically about this guy called johnny blaze who sells his soul to the devil (whose name is metastophilis and happens to be a character in my lit book x_x) to heal his dad but the devil cheats his feelings totally and the poor guy ends up being under some curse i think. so, feeling really sad, he kind of alienates himself by dumping the only girl who ever really loved him, and spends the next few decades cheating death by doing really unimaginable (and unbelievable) bike stunts. and there are all these side characters who represent different elements and they have really evil powers and they go around murdering innocent civilians in completely gruesome ways. yeah, i think the rest of the show is pretty much obvious.
and i wouldnt really recommend it unless you like superhero comic book stuff and you enjoy gross f/x stuff and you somehow like seeing people with their faces on fire.
and one more tip, if you would like a really value for money drink when you're in town go to the lido snackbar and buy the large (i think) pepsi. it will come in a HUGE cup that your hand cannot even fit around (esp if you have tiny hands like me) and it wont fit into the cupholder on the arm rest and best of all it only costs $2.50. serves about ten people, give or take.
i was kidding about the last part, by the way.
if you want to know what i got spenser for vday, wait for him to update. i think ive said enough for one entry. haha (:
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Dream On
waaaa im turning 18 soon in like hmmm how long more but hahaha .... yup my 2nd sis is like going off to do her phd somewhere in US la ahha somewhere xD some wonderful brother i am. But hey ! Look on the bright side haha she is going away =p and im getting her new car which if im lucky enuf she wont crash around during the first 2 months haha... but then again id have to take my license and pass it =p
man the vision of me driving a car to skool XD .... damn bastard but yet damn huhoooo lol.. xP
ppl: ey how u going home...?
fren: mrt lor or bus
me: car
ppl: ure father fetching ar ? ... going where ar ?
fren: stay where ar ?
me: no ... im driving home
ppl & fren: waaa bastard ! my good fren ~_~
my gawd ... its driving me insane lol... haha i dun even have my license already and ppl are like booking seats home. Some overly ambitious ones like ahem (not to be named) wanna borrow my future car too ... walau lol...
annnyyywaaayyysss.... no its not a evo la... haha i was jking ... haha eunice and sam can dream on !! muahahaha ill make sure to never go to ure jcs xD ... so i wont have to give neither a treat lol !! As clinton always says. Time is Mana lol
chau =]
man the vision of me driving a car to skool XD .... damn bastard but yet damn huhoooo lol.. xP
ppl: ey how u going home...?
fren: mrt lor or bus
me: car
ppl: ure father fetching ar ? ... going where ar ?
fren: stay where ar ?
me: no ... im driving home
ppl & fren: waaa bastard ! my good fren ~_~
my gawd ... its driving me insane lol... haha i dun even have my license already and ppl are like booking seats home. Some overly ambitious ones like ahem (not to be named) wanna borrow my future car too ... walau lol...
annnyyywaaayyysss.... no its not a evo la... haha i was jking ... haha eunice and sam can dream on !! muahahaha ill make sure to never go to ure jcs xD ... so i wont have to give neither a treat lol !! As clinton always says. Time is Mana lol
chau =]
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
caught up
haha caught up caught up >.> listening to this song by usher xD ... ahh wells i have no skool !!! for like hmm till friday... anyways haha today when i woke up i proceeded to go play dota and like uh yea just play dota lol .... then suddenly ar halfway while playing the stupid nyp skool course coordinator call me i was like uh SHIT SHIT SHIT !! lol faster turn down volume hehe ... anyways haha turns out it wasnt what i was expecting .. they wanted to go do some NYP promotion at barker again >.> here's my chace to make a banner stating :" DUN COME NYP, ULL DIE " XD.. hehe
saz and me wanted to do that for the stupid Open house haha... ya anyways got cca point so what the hell hehe .. i need to accumulate as many cca point as i can get =P ... the skool ar .. till now still havent give me my cca points yet ...arrghhh ... *poke yall*
in other news haha i got from ronald a SEMI new racket for a good deal of 100 bucks only haha my dad was like WHAAOOOO >_> <_< >_< lol ...
ya oh and haha ive been like having a fever fiesta lol ... fever every alternate days and every even day its a sore throat and muscle cramps ... seriously if i was a girl id deem it as a period lol.... haha ladidadida
off now to go watch some ninku haha damn nice show >.>
saz and me wanted to do that for the stupid Open house haha... ya anyways got cca point so what the hell hehe .. i need to accumulate as many cca point as i can get =P ... the skool ar .. till now still havent give me my cca points yet ...arrghhh ... *poke yall*
in other news haha i got from ronald a SEMI new racket for a good deal of 100 bucks only haha my dad was like WHAAOOOO >_> <_< >_< lol ...
ya oh and haha ive been like having a fever fiesta lol ... fever every alternate days and every even day its a sore throat and muscle cramps ... seriously if i was a girl id deem it as a period lol.... haha ladidadida
off now to go watch some ninku haha damn nice show >.>
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Confucius say when u go to bed with a hard problem , you'd wake up witha sticky solution ..
random momemnt .
but really these few days ive been thinking hmmmmmm how to go about doing this and that. I know i really should leave some things to god. But at the same time how should i know if its supposed to be left to him and not to be left to him ... cause got the phrase saying God only helps those who helps themselves and i like super super believe in that. Which is kinda why i dun really like being around the people who like just keep whining and like dont even want to lift a finger to do a thing about it.
haha not really one to comment about it since like hmmm i sometimes dun wise up to do the job also ... but yah .. after a while its like i will like ahhh bored to death then ill start to do it eventually like everyone else does also i think haha.... In other news my stupid throat infection is still like brrrr... japheth has been going around saying u know the phlegm that i spit out one shot is equivalent to 500ml. Like one rubbery piece of chap ! haha damn sick la ... ( for those who dunno 500ml = 1 packet of lemon barley that packet size ) haha .
oh and tonic water is like eeeuuhhhh... haha saw jie hui at orchard and the other guy ... crap i keep forgetting ppl's names. I only recgonise people by their face. DAMN ! one day im going to need their help and ill be like hey ... whats ure name again ? and they are like going to be so so so so SZP.
Yes i have decided when i have the time which i most probably wont. Ill get down to remembering everyone's names XD
tts me SPenser =D
random momemnt .
but really these few days ive been thinking hmmmmmm how to go about doing this and that. I know i really should leave some things to god. But at the same time how should i know if its supposed to be left to him and not to be left to him ... cause got the phrase saying God only helps those who helps themselves and i like super super believe in that. Which is kinda why i dun really like being around the people who like just keep whining and like dont even want to lift a finger to do a thing about it.
haha not really one to comment about it since like hmmm i sometimes dun wise up to do the job also ... but yah .. after a while its like i will like ahhh bored to death then ill start to do it eventually like everyone else does also i think haha.... In other news my stupid throat infection is still like brrrr... japheth has been going around saying u know the phlegm that i spit out one shot is equivalent to 500ml. Like one rubbery piece of chap ! haha damn sick la ... ( for those who dunno 500ml = 1 packet of lemon barley that packet size ) haha .
oh and tonic water is like eeeuuhhhh... haha saw jie hui at orchard and the other guy ... crap i keep forgetting ppl's names. I only recgonise people by their face. DAMN ! one day im going to need their help and ill be like hey ... whats ure name again ? and they are like going to be so so so so SZP.
Yes i have decided when i have the time which i most probably wont. Ill get down to remembering everyone's names XD
tts me SPenser =D
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
hey you =]
cheeky naughty cute and yet wonderful =] i love my poke =] ... =D
yeap haha obviously by now u can see that im super bored xD.. its my last week of school hehe 3 cheers !! huhoo huhooooo huuuuhoooooooo !!!!! ah yes i like it =] . Come to think of it haha after tomorrow which is thursday incase u read this blog late haha.. im freee =] except probably on friday evening when we play the friday match =D my last match my last time stepping into the stupid skool >.<
ladidadida...hmmmm ive been thinking its kinda unfair of me cause i keep asking peeps to blog but i myself am too lazy haha ah wells.. =]
im still deliberating on whether to go or not to go for the upcoming 10th feburary church valentine's event . yes reagan i know the food is quite good .. but its like im paying money to enter the damn place man >.< sorry im very miserly when it comes to paying at enterances xD haha. rawr ! must i really go >.< *pokes u all* annnyyywaayyss went out to bishan wif reags to makan dinner =] wooooooo.... we ate ramen !! BEST !! why do i say so ? cause the label down there say BEST !! haha waa i tell u ar the ramen just rocks la but i think they shortage of spoon or something, they gave me like some ladle to eat it wif haha
*awkard silence to show how shocked i was...*
moving on now... yes haha monday went out wif bren to queensway to pick up my racket since no one on sunday wanted to pei me to go =[ hmmph ! anyways haha it was a rather refreshing experience to have her come wif me to queensway ... come to think of it i never actually went there wif someone before ... i usually go there alone so yeap =] =] ... waa and as usual the laksa and chicken curry when u go in woooo can smell it already =] *spasms* so i da paoed 2 packs lalala one for me and one for my sis =] then we proceeded to the anchor point food court where we made a short pit stop and then hitched a bus to go home haha a long but fun bus ride considering how she was so uh... shy xD. Shall not comment more later tio PK ha beis.. ~_~
ahh wells haha lets all come discuss the issue about crocs .. u know the comfy sandal like shoes =] haha are they really that ugly xD >.< i think they are cute in a weird way and like super comfy la haha ... but ive also been told that if i wear one im like so totally dead xD... sheesh =\ its just footwear xP
oh man o level results is coming out like next week man =[ why cant it be this week !! hmmmph =[ wait so long liao it better finally come out man ... i so wanna get my wonderful arse outta here XD.... haha reuel says i am too free come poly one year for fun >.> well haha i come see u ma .... own u wif my skillz manz !! pwnage !! XD haha so we got our players all set liao >.> LALALALA
oh and the new prince of tennis is out. The national tournament one hehe jsut go to www.crunchyroll.comyeap lalala =] so woooo can watch that there is super funny hehe for those who do watch ... here's a spoiler .. INUI GOT A NEWLY INVENTED DRINK !! =\ so lalala haha
come to think about it i am supposed to be finishing up on my macromedia flash project xD ... okok im gonna chau for now cya peeps =p cant wait for a holiday .. >.> the upcoming one coming up xD... i wonder if they give holidays for total defense day =P.
bren do trust me on this xD dun need worry it wont be crocs >.<
happy valentines day all
happy total defense day all
ttfn spenser
yeap haha obviously by now u can see that im super bored xD.. its my last week of school hehe 3 cheers !! huhoo huhooooo huuuuhoooooooo !!!!! ah yes i like it =] . Come to think of it haha after tomorrow which is thursday incase u read this blog late haha.. im freee =] except probably on friday evening when we play the friday match =D my last match my last time stepping into the stupid skool >.<
ladidadida...hmmmm ive been thinking its kinda unfair of me cause i keep asking peeps to blog but i myself am too lazy haha ah wells.. =]
im still deliberating on whether to go or not to go for the upcoming 10th feburary church valentine's event . yes reagan i know the food is quite good .. but its like im paying money to enter the damn place man >.< sorry im very miserly when it comes to paying at enterances xD haha. rawr ! must i really go >.< *pokes u all* annnyyywaayyss went out to bishan wif reags to makan dinner =] wooooooo.... we ate ramen !! BEST !! why do i say so ? cause the label down there say BEST !! haha waa i tell u ar the ramen just rocks la but i think they shortage of spoon or something, they gave me like some ladle to eat it wif haha
*awkard silence to show how shocked i was...*
moving on now... yes haha monday went out wif bren to queensway to pick up my racket since no one on sunday wanted to pei me to go =[ hmmph ! anyways haha it was a rather refreshing experience to have her come wif me to queensway ... come to think of it i never actually went there wif someone before ... i usually go there alone so yeap =] =] ... waa and as usual the laksa and chicken curry when u go in woooo can smell it already =] *spasms* so i da paoed 2 packs lalala one for me and one for my sis =] then we proceeded to the anchor point food court where we made a short pit stop and then hitched a bus to go home haha a long but fun bus ride considering how she was so uh... shy xD. Shall not comment more later tio PK ha beis.. ~_~
ahh wells haha lets all come discuss the issue about crocs .. u know the comfy sandal like shoes =] haha are they really that ugly xD >.< i think they are cute in a weird way and like super comfy la haha ... but ive also been told that if i wear one im like so totally dead xD... sheesh =\ its just footwear xP
oh man o level results is coming out like next week man =[ why cant it be this week !! hmmmph =[ wait so long liao it better finally come out man ... i so wanna get my wonderful arse outta here XD.... haha reuel says i am too free come poly one year for fun >.> well haha i come see u ma .... own u wif my skillz manz !! pwnage !! XD haha so we got our players all set liao >.> LALALALA
oh and the new prince of tennis is out. The national tournament one hehe jsut go to www.crunchyroll.comyeap lalala =] so woooo can watch that there is super funny hehe for those who do watch ... here's a spoiler .. INUI GOT A NEWLY INVENTED DRINK !! =\ so lalala haha
come to think about it i am supposed to be finishing up on my macromedia flash project xD ... okok im gonna chau for now cya peeps =p cant wait for a holiday .. >.> the upcoming one coming up xD... i wonder if they give holidays for total defense day =P.
bren do trust me on this xD dun need worry it wont be crocs >.<
happy valentines day all
happy total defense day all
ttfn spenser
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
hi people this is me spenser as usual. haha if ure wondering why my title name is poke well haha .. its because my beloved turtle's name is now officially named poke xD. For those who have actually stepped into my room ull know him haaa the rest ... hmmm dun think so >.>
why is he called poke ? cause i like to poke his face haha *sorry having a random moment here* annnyyywaaayyyss .... here is poke (see below)

me and poke (see below)

no this cat below does not belong to me haha ... haha if he was id say one thing ...
" MY CAT PWNZ !! "
why is he called poke ? cause i like to poke his face haha *sorry having a random moment here* annnyyywaaayyyss .... here is poke (see below)

me and poke (see below)

no this cat below does not belong to me haha ... haha if he was id say one thing ...
" MY CAT PWNZ !! "

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
haha the other day went to watch the movie night at the meuseum at j8. Actually we werent intending to watch it. Den my classmates were like ey wanna watch night anot ? lol coincidentally we were all thinking to ask the same question but is like waa scared we damn useless lol so long still havent watch it yet. But it finally left um Zon's mouth so we were like alrite i havent watch yet together lol... how unnamyous is tt man =\ ...
anywayss.... the show overall was good i liked the tiku tiku statue from easter island the most haha he is damn hilarious la =] hehe. So anyways haha we went on to skool thinking that there was some VBA test but wa lau ... teacher said dun have so chui ... haiz
anyywayyss... haha tests all going well and stuff =] yea i miss u too and yea today i went to school to play wif jq tennis then lol i think this girl is stalking him or something man ... haha we played finish liao . I was like super shag to uh change in the toilets so i was looking around the courts make sure the coast is clear as in no girls haha .. But WTH the moment take out only and jq also start changing a bit VOILA !! she appears from no where brrrr scary >.> really freaky lol...
anyways sorry la haha xD im too damn lazy to carry books around.
man im so anxious awaiting the stupid friday to come and huhooo yay zhen yan the jq said tt can already haha ready to jiao us =]
thanks also for that previous post =] it really made my day and cheered me up haha really what i needed thanks =]
nite ppl
spenser =]
anywayss.... the show overall was good i liked the tiku tiku statue from easter island the most haha he is damn hilarious la =] hehe. So anyways haha we went on to skool thinking that there was some VBA test but wa lau ... teacher said dun have so chui ... haiz
anyywayyss... haha tests all going well and stuff =] yea i miss u too and yea today i went to school to play wif jq tennis then lol i think this girl is stalking him or something man ... haha we played finish liao . I was like super shag to uh change in the toilets so i was looking around the courts make sure the coast is clear as in no girls haha .. But WTH the moment take out only and jq also start changing a bit VOILA !! she appears from no where brrrr scary >.> really freaky lol...
anyways sorry la haha xD im too damn lazy to carry books around.
man im so anxious awaiting the stupid friday to come and huhooo yay zhen yan the jq said tt can already haha ready to jiao us =]
thanks also for that previous post =] it really made my day and cheered me up haha really what i needed thanks =]
nite ppl
spenser =]
Sunday, January 14, 2007
when the stars get in your face dont let them blind you
even when the sky is falling down
i know i have you
and that's all i need.
i know i have you
and that's all i need.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
unlike poets, i dun know how to compose poems.
unlike song writers, i dun know how to write songs.
unlike the great casanovas of the world, i never know the right thing to say
unlike the gentlemans, i as u all know am not.
unlike the sensible boys, im not one either.
To others, im unreliable, unsensible, ungentlemanly, talentless, perhaps even stupid to some extent and tactless. But none of those actually matter to me.
Many a times have ppl hated me for me being a bastard and a idiot for teasingly humiliating others heh but who really cares about past events. Apparently i found a few who have. Anyways Tim was telling me about the santa claus joke and it really knocked my socks off. What are the chances, even my cousin who i didnt really like started treating me nicely. Feels funny. Peaceful infact, TOO PEACEFUL. and i start to ponder on whatever could be coming up behind me to stab me in the back or bite me in the ass. It always happens whenever i feel lucky. Which is why certain events lead me to believe that i might not be where i actually feel i am going to be. Seriously.
Ive been instructed many a times to tell people and share to people about various things. In order to regain some sympathy and understanding and a label on me saying "Mature". Really, do i need those ? Shame on the sheep who just blindly follow the crowd. I believe in sticking strongly in what i believe in. But i do compromise at times.
Well with nothing else to say to the rest of you readers out there, ill present you with a word if u wish to get to know me
unlike song writers, i dun know how to write songs.
unlike the great casanovas of the world, i never know the right thing to say
unlike the gentlemans, i as u all know am not.
unlike the sensible boys, im not one either.
To others, im unreliable, unsensible, ungentlemanly, talentless, perhaps even stupid to some extent and tactless. But none of those actually matter to me.
Many a times have ppl hated me for me being a bastard and a idiot for teasingly humiliating others heh but who really cares about past events. Apparently i found a few who have. Anyways Tim was telling me about the santa claus joke and it really knocked my socks off. What are the chances, even my cousin who i didnt really like started treating me nicely. Feels funny. Peaceful infact, TOO PEACEFUL. and i start to ponder on whatever could be coming up behind me to stab me in the back or bite me in the ass. It always happens whenever i feel lucky. Which is why certain events lead me to believe that i might not be where i actually feel i am going to be. Seriously.
Ive been instructed many a times to tell people and share to people about various things. In order to regain some sympathy and understanding and a label on me saying "Mature". Really, do i need those ? Shame on the sheep who just blindly follow the crowd. I believe in sticking strongly in what i believe in. But i do compromise at times.
Well with nothing else to say to the rest of you readers out there, ill present you with a word if u wish to get to know me
Sunday, January 07, 2007
mindless drivel
hello. um yeah this isnt spenser as you will probably be able to tell soon.
im not quite sure what he wants me to say though. anyway i gotta respond to the tagboard. av since when you use the word pwnz!?!! haha. i miss you, please get less busy soon so we can talk.
okay right must remind myself this isnt my blog.
it's a bit scary writing when you arent sure who's going to be reading this.
im very sleepy. actually not really. i woke up at 1230 today. spenser says im a pig. i have no comment. im not the one who eats 2 lunches. (:
so yeah kind of spent half my weekend with him - maybe more, if you count smses and time on the phone and such. haha he bravely attempted to teach me math on saturday. very good effort i must say i think anyone who tries to teach me math will learn the virtue of patience in no time at all. and we went to eat sushi (: although i didnt end up eating all that much sushi, because i think sushi tei beats sakae anytime but whatever. beggars cant be choosers.
ack its almost midnight and there is sch tmr and math first block i do not believe my rotten luck.
and im cold ):
okay i will stop talking about myself since after all this is spenser's blog. um let's see. spenser is a very nice person HAHAHA. okay la he can be sweet sometimes like when he remembers the cute pink unicorn i absolutely adore at kino and goes back to buy it for me for xmas. and like doesnt sms me (though i know he wants to) so i can do my homework in peace. and opens doors for me - which i really appreciate, because although i am a purebred rg feminist, i cant be bothered to open doors for myself. which just reinforces the whole lazy pig thing doesnt it?
anyway i do think this should be enough for now so have a good week everyone, and uh yes if you've figured out who i am by now then congratulations.
im not quite sure what he wants me to say though. anyway i gotta respond to the tagboard. av since when you use the word pwnz!?!! haha. i miss you, please get less busy soon so we can talk.
okay right must remind myself this isnt my blog.
it's a bit scary writing when you arent sure who's going to be reading this.
im very sleepy. actually not really. i woke up at 1230 today. spenser says im a pig. i have no comment. im not the one who eats 2 lunches. (:
so yeah kind of spent half my weekend with him - maybe more, if you count smses and time on the phone and such. haha he bravely attempted to teach me math on saturday. very good effort i must say i think anyone who tries to teach me math will learn the virtue of patience in no time at all. and we went to eat sushi (: although i didnt end up eating all that much sushi, because i think sushi tei beats sakae anytime but whatever. beggars cant be choosers.
ack its almost midnight and there is sch tmr and math first block i do not believe my rotten luck.
and im cold ):
okay i will stop talking about myself since after all this is spenser's blog. um let's see. spenser is a very nice person HAHAHA. okay la he can be sweet sometimes like when he remembers the cute pink unicorn i absolutely adore at kino and goes back to buy it for me for xmas. and like doesnt sms me (though i know he wants to) so i can do my homework in peace. and opens doors for me - which i really appreciate, because although i am a purebred rg feminist, i cant be bothered to open doors for myself. which just reinforces the whole lazy pig thing doesnt it?
anyway i do think this should be enough for now so have a good week everyone, and uh yes if you've figured out who i am by now then congratulations.
Friday, January 05, 2007
jitters etc
to nyp team :
Guys we have a match this coming friday against valentino tt side for those of u all who know them well. Or else preferred to be known as the all star team or what most of us would call them, The ns team. Anyways sidetrack.. Till now the confirmed players are :
yep so get on ure gear and practice up for it XD ... haha dun chui ar haha esp reuel =X XD XD XD
Guys we have a match this coming friday against valentino tt side for those of u all who know them well. Or else preferred to be known as the all star team or what most of us would call them, The ns team. Anyways sidetrack.. Till now the confirmed players are :
yep so get on ure gear and practice up for it XD ... haha dun chui ar haha esp reuel =X XD XD XD
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
back to school
heh today i went back to school like at 7:30 am yea u all might think im siao .. haha why would i go back to that condemned place at like 7:30 in the morning haha.. well I tell u i dont know why i went back myself either haha. Now reflecting on why i did it , i actually feel i just traded like an extra say 30 mins of sleep for going to school early ? pity dickson didnt see it haha. But anyways i think dickson is like a great tutor but dunno why like weird to say i a bit like dun dare to ask him question lol.. Yes and today i got past that. I hope i can get java even more. Furthermore tomorrow is flash the banner assignment to hand in. Haix i hope this sem can like pull up my marks cause kls one also on the line when we doing c sharp ..
yes onto the subject of KL haha he is like damn bad la. Took all the easy parts to do by himself and gave me the hard parts >.<. but then again it doesent really matter cause we paka wif the other group to lian he forces and qie cuo qie cuo in the words of KL lol and also to pei yang gan qing haha =x
yes then i got back huhoo i got a ipod liao finally my first one ^_^ woooo lol its a video too haha .. damn cool u know =D jowell hates me already for it LOL... i think if i die he might kop my dad's cd rack and my ipod >.< XD. okok jkjk haha im sure he is bigger than that but then again =X . No comments . haha yeap and crap la i think im starting to feel it too avonne ... nikki's LAMENTATION. i learnt something new today =D. Yea spent the whole day getting used to it and i can safely say im so not used to it too haha ... >.<
of course other than the fact that me reags and jap went out to heartland mall. Jap was quite late. So since reags was hungry, we went to eat yoshi student meal !! haha long time never get those kind of discount liao haha. Then when we finished, JUST NICE jap came haha. Since i was still feeling kinda hungry lol we went to pizza hut where we also enjoyed another set of student meal wow really value for money u know haha =]=]=]. A full man is always a happy man XD..
damn ipod video i cant put the movies from my com into it. haha someone who has ipod video or knows how please help me >.<
im glad we got it all settled =]
spenser nite ppl love u all =D
yes onto the subject of KL haha he is like damn bad la. Took all the easy parts to do by himself and gave me the hard parts >.<. but then again it doesent really matter cause we paka wif the other group to lian he forces and qie cuo qie cuo in the words of KL lol and also to pei yang gan qing haha =x
yes then i got back huhoo i got a ipod liao finally my first one ^_^ woooo lol its a video too haha .. damn cool u know =D jowell hates me already for it LOL... i think if i die he might kop my dad's cd rack and my ipod >.< XD. okok jkjk haha im sure he is bigger than that but then again =X . No comments . haha yeap and crap la i think im starting to feel it too avonne ... nikki's LAMENTATION. i learnt something new today =D. Yea spent the whole day getting used to it and i can safely say im so not used to it too haha ... >.<
of course other than the fact that me reags and jap went out to heartland mall. Jap was quite late. So since reags was hungry, we went to eat yoshi student meal !! haha long time never get those kind of discount liao haha. Then when we finished, JUST NICE jap came haha. Since i was still feeling kinda hungry lol we went to pizza hut where we also enjoyed another set of student meal wow really value for money u know haha =]=]=]. A full man is always a happy man XD..
damn ipod video i cant put the movies from my com into it. haha someone who has ipod video or knows how please help me >.<
im glad we got it all settled =]
spenser nite ppl love u all =D
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